42. Ačiū Jums už nuorodas ir palinkėjimus! Skaitymas tikrai padėjo pažvelgti į gyvenimo situacijas kitaip. Toks jausmas, kad susidėliojo taškai ant ‘i’, pasidarė aiškiau, kodėl nutiko viena ar kita situacija. Dabar jaučiuosi žymiai ramesnė. Tai dar kartą ačiū!
41. Thank you a million times over Aruna... It has been hard to find words to describe how this reading effected me after. But, the words I have come to find are that it has changed me for the rest of my life. I now have an idea of where I am headed and that I am completely supported on whatever path I choose by the universe, my soul, and everyone that I meet along the way.
This reading solidified my belief of everything happens for a reason, “good” or “bad”, and no matter what we do in our life it has a purpose intentionally so or not.
I feel like I have been opened to life in such a way that I don’t believe I could’ve received this new found receptivity other than through Aruna and her energy work.
She is not only a friend but someone who has now joined the list of people who I owe many thanks to helping me or guiding me unknowingly on this healing journey. I am forever grateful for this experience and to know Aruna. If you are even considering getting insight on anything from her, do not hesitate. You will not regret it.
If you are ready for a push in a new direction this will be exactly what you are looking for.”
40. Ačiū Jums už viską: už linkėjimus, sveikinimus, nuorodas, o ypač už Jūsų skaitymus, kurie man labai padėjo suprasti save ir savo sunu.
39. Išklausiau Jūsų skaitymą. Man tai buvo neišpasakytas įspūdis. Atrodo, kad Jūs perskaitėte tai, ką per savo gyvenimą po truputį pats rašiau apie save. Tik aš rašiau savo įspūdžius, išgyvenimus, nuojautas, apmąstymus. O Jūs - tarsi visa tai perskaitėte, apmąstėte, susisteminote, pagrindėte ir man perskaitėte kitu kampu...
38. Ačiū labai. Jūs taip aiškiai ir gražiai parašėt. Dėkoju ir džiaugiuosi, kad Jus sutikau...
37. Aruna and I have talked about me getting a Soul reading for a while before I actually got it. At first I was wary because I didn't truly understand what information would come of it, but after I did get it, the information gave me so much validation for the things I feel. A good portion of the information given to me were of thing I already understood about myself. When she got into detail of, for example, how and why broken people (or 'wounded birds' as she would describe) would always come into my life, this helped me identify these 'wounded birds' in my current life experience and the lessons I learned from them. Understanding things like this, the origin of my Soul, Soul archetypes, and training between lifetimes helped clarify so much of my being/ why I am the way I am.
Her information is eerie in the accuracies of how she described me as a person. I would recommend this reading to any individual that is willing to try it out for themselves because this information is a gift and will help anyone tremendously in the future as it did for me.
36. Visų pirma aš Jums esu Be galo dėkinga, kad nors vienas žmogus man išaiškino, (o tų visų aiškintoju vienokių ar kitokių tikrai buvo) kodėl su manim taip yra...
35. Pirmiausia, nuoširdžiausiai dėkoju jums už jūsų laiką, analizuojat mano asmenybę platesniąja prasme. Visa informacija, kurią išgirdau, yra artima man ir tikrai atspindinti mano vidų. Toks jausmas, kad jūs mane pažįstate, nors nesate mačiusi. Aš labai noriai išklausiau jūsų įrašą. Klausantis jūsų mane užplūdo šilti ir malonūs jausmai. Jūsų balso tembras labai priimtinas klausytis, nematant žmogaus.
34. I received two readings from Aruna during a time when I was in desperate need of help. Aruna"s readings gave me much insight and clarification.
She was able to convey in words and images who I was, what my lessons in life were, and the messages my energetic body was telling. Her detailed description of the information she received was unnervingly spot on. For example, she described my heart chakra as "bleeding out", which could not have been more true. I have always felt this energy leak, even as a child, and I always tried to self medicate by looking for others to love me in the attempt it would fix that bleeding wound. However, I found myself in a toxic relationship that was doing more harm than good. After Aruna"s reading, I realized that it was I who needed to heal the energetic wound, not others, and that there were certain steps I could take to accomplish that.
I hope to do another session in the future, as there is so much information to be learned... Aruna offers a kind and gentle helping hand if you are willing to take it.
33. My experience with Aruna was great! I consulted her twice, the first time for myself and the second time for my son. Both readings were extremely helpful to understand how we reacted to certain situations and the consequences those reactions had.
Aruna helped us understand what our strengths are and how we can put them to work for our own benefit. Thank you Aruna!
32. Of the many MANY sources for channeled Akashic readings, there was only ONE who included in their services provided, a reading that is totally UNIQUE and it floored me when I even read of this reading was even a possibility. Due to the fact that I lost my love 15 years ago due to tragedy, I have always wondered what her galactic origins were and if they were aligned to mines. Ever since I become awoken recently I just naturally remembered of the last time TRUE LOVE graced me with its presence here on this Earthly plane. And when I saw Aruna provided the capability of Akashic reading of a past love, I was ecstatic and ordered immediately. And at a time when sincere generosity is given, without cause or agenda, she volunteered extra time at no charge to my reading as a gift for Christmas... And what a present that was!!!
Mind you I claim to be no expert in the field of metaphysics so pretty much I was seeking affirmations of what I already know, not of brand new knowledge that is totally foreign and unknown to me. Needless to say, she "passed" with angelic colors as her reading of my Twin Flame so resonated with my own Galactic Origins, Star Family and unique characteristics & personality traits. One cannot ask for a better Christmas gift than the ability to gain additional knowledge and understanding about a passed love, not only just any typical knowledge but PROFOUND KNOWLEDGE of their Soul Origins.
Aruna is an accurate presenter of the Akashics and a true gift to humanity!!!
With the utmost gratitude,
31. I wasn’t very sure of what the Introductory Soul Reading would divulge but was taken aback with the accuracy. Aruna and I have not had any previous interactions, so the contents of the reading were both fascinating and encouraging. She got in touch with me to let me know by when I could expect the reading. The audio recording was delivered on time and it added a new dimension to what I kind of intuitively ‘knew’ about myself.
The day the reading arrived, I was already a few days into a throat infection. My throat chakra was one that Aruna highlighted. It was so interesting to see how she had picked up on it. She also identified a month and a year during which certain energies and events had deeply impacted me. There was no way she could have known that unless she’s really in tune with her own gifts.
Aruna was so patient and generous in her time even after the reading while I was in the hospital unable to respond. When I offered some initial feedback, she helped me put it into further perspective and that generosity and kindness say a lot about her.
Even though it was just an introductory soul reading session with her, I’m now very mindful of my soul’s purpose, how I need to protect and amplify my energy. When I'm led astray from my Soul Purpose by various distractions, I’m immediately drawn back to her reading and consciously work to re-align myself to my highest purpose.
I’d love to be able to have a full reading with her sometime in the near future. Please, have a reading with Aruna. It will change your life.
330. Thank you so much for your reading. I resonate with what you were saying about my issues around my sacral chakra and money issues. Recently I have started stepping into my mission assisting people with the understanding manifestation and starting new careers. Strangely yes, I have always been a starter to assist people as a motivator until I feel it is time to step away. I never saw the connection and thank you so much as for the first time I can connect the dots. I am a twin flame and both my twin and me have had huge sacral clearing and purging the last few months. I am working on manifesting my future for next year as currently, I am studying in Hanoi till December. Once my finances are sorted next year, I would love to have a continuation of this reading.
Thank you so much.
29. I contacted Aruna because I was interested in learning more about my "gifts." I have always been told that I have the ability to see things others could not, but was unsure what that meant for me. I did a full soul reading with Aruna and learned a lot about myself that makes sense and may actually help me deal with my personal life in the future. Thank you for that and I hope to do a chakra reading soon!
Carrie N.
28. I received a Soul's Energy Center of Training reading on October 27, 2018 based on only my name, date of birth and place of birth. I am very pleased with my reading. Aruna picked up the area that my soul energy is working out in my life is associated with the second chakra. The information that was given to me regarding this energy around my second chakra was spot on as I’m currently giving birth to new ideas.
She also explained the positive and the negative affects that take place when the chakra is either open or closed. The information that she gave to me was very informative as well as relative to what is going on in my life at this time.
Thank you again Aruna for this reading it was both helpful and insightful, you have a wonderful gift.
Sharon M.
27. I was not sure what to expect when I was preparing for my first reading with Aruna, but I knew I was ready for a time of self discovery and I was hoping to find answers about the struggles in my life. At this time, I have done two sessions with Aruna to complete the soul reading, and I can say with confidence that I have benefited from this experience.
Everything Aruna conveyed to me felt personal and shed light on my life, and that feeling was made stronger by her own investment in making sure I understood and felt a connection to the information being delivered to me. I was excited, nervous, scared, and basically giddy the entire time, every piece of knowledge fit into the puzzle of my background to make the picture more clear. Something as simple as knowing my soul origin (and the common purpose associated with that origin) helped me see the bigger direction and purpose for my life.
To anyone feeling lost or directionless, or like the struggles of their life are too difficult or for no reason - having understanding of your life lessons and your life purpose makes the struggle easier. It is so much easier to keep fighting when you understand the growth you are working for. More than anything this has opened my eyes to how I can embrace my life lessons and grow.
My first session was over a month ago, but everyday I see how it applies just a bit more. After talking to her recently, we agreed that after these sessions your struggles may seem to come to the surface more than before. I think that focusing on your life lessons and the purpose of your struggles makes their purpose so abundantly clear that you cannot help but to begin addressing them. This is difficult, but so refreshing at the same time and it feels like I’ve been catapulted into understanding and learning what I am meant to do in this lifetime.
What Aruna gave to me explained things that have confused and contradicted what I thought were my beliefs for years. It is as if I had the answers all along, but could not get to them until she handed me the key. All of this takes time to process, so the benefits continue long after the session concludes. I plan to take what Aruna has given me far into the future, and to continue using her guidance as a tool for learning.
26. I would like to first of all thank Aruna from for the extensive soul reading she offered me. I have been on a soul searching journey for about 2 years now. In doing so intuition and gifts have began to heighten that I had no idea where they were coming from. Thanks to Aruna everything is so much clearer now. The clarity has relieved stress and anxiety for me personally.
Digging deep into the souls past have confirmed my gut intuitions and many of the things I was wondering about self.
The information Aruna gave me could not have been made up or generated in any unauthentic way. Every single detail was so on point.. Confirmation after confirmation... She truly is gifted.
She asked me about a specific month and year... Once again chills ran up and down my entire body.. This specific time period is very significant to marked the diagnoses of my sons Gastroschisis. It marked the beginning of a lot of painful changes... It also marked the time I was given an additional connection to the creator, my God. Often asked how I made it thru the physical and mental abuse. How I made it thru the death and burial of my child.. How I just knew I'd be okay.. How I continued to inspire others during the mist of all my trouble and heartache. I generally answer with, when your not given any options you do what must be done. Keep pushing. Now I know it was this additional connection to my creator that keeps me going and connected.
Outlining my gifts, purpose, history and the challenges that come along with a soul history such as mine I have a much better understanding of who I am.. Why I have been thru what I have been thru and where I am headed. From the very bottom of my heart thank you so much Aruna.
25. Aruna did two Soul Readings for both me and my husband as a couple after our wedding. There were two beautiful readings that gave us a lot of insight and understanding of not only ourselves, but also of each other. Most everything she shared was immediately relatable to each of our lives and was easy to understand. Some things took more time to process and understand, but in the end it all makes sense to our lives. My husband was a little uncomfortable with the reading, (which was explained by the reading) but he still had some great take always.
Along with two Soul Readings Aruna did an additional Free Session with me as to give me more guidance and insight on how my husband and I can work together and relate to one another. She surprised me with how much information and insight she had on who we are and how we interact as a couple. Everything was related and I enjoyed sharing stories with her and getting advice on our relationship. This was a very special session that brought up an understanding to small everyday frustrations and bigger relationship challenges. This additional insight also helped prepare me for what the future may bring. Knowing not only my own path and challenges that I face, but also my spouse's will truly help me work with him rather than against him. These readings would be beneficial for any relationship and I would highly recommend Aruna as your reader!
24. Hey everyone. Just wanted to stop on and give a review for my wonderful soul reading done last night by Aruna, It was very detailed and provided me with lots of explanations. She was spot on with some of my soul characteristics and the more I thought about things and processed the more I understood. We spoke on the phone for almost two hours and afterwards she still sent me a follow up email explaining more things to me. I would very much recommend her!
23. I really appreciated what I learned about the Universe through Aruna and feel that the Soul Reading not only explained and helped me understand different situations and decisions in my life but it also helped me grow more spiritually. These readings by Aruna could be helpful in so many situations from needing to come to terms with a decision, wanting to understand your Soul's purpose/meaning , discovering the root of your life challenges, or gaining a better understanding why you are who you are. I really look forward to being able to apply what I have learned about myself to my life and I believe that everybody could benefit from these Soul Readings!
22. Aruna's Akashic Records Reading was both insightful and inspiring. It provided a new perspective on why things are as they are in my life. It also helped me to recognize my natural gifts and strengths that I have more or less abandoned by trying to continually adapt to the ways of this world. Knowing this information has motivated me to pay more attention and play on my strengths. It's a whole new way of living!
21. My Soul Akashic Records reading was a confirmation of personal intuition to myself on many levels. I am very grateful for this experience in my life. I hope to use this helpful information to live up my highest potential. Thank You Aruna for sharing your beautiful gift with me.
20. This just came to me the other day and it goes right along with my original Soul Reading. I have always had a big interest in rocks. I don't know why, I don't always look for "valuable" rocks. But I will pick up an interesting rock and usually come back with at least a couple every time I go out in nature. The other day I just happened on a documentary about how the ancient Chinese Taoist revered rocks and even made gardens of these rocks. I found that very interesting after what you had told me about my past life.
19. No one said it would change my life, but I can attest that in many ways it did. My reading made me feel empowered and in control of my own destiny. It made me aware of something I feel like I’ve always known, but couldn’t even begin to try and describe. The reading itself, done by Aruna, was very fluid and well structured. What was two hours felt like a lifetimes’ worth of information. Honestly, I could go on and on but as I must digress, you would just have to ‘see it’ to believe it!
18. Thank you so much Aruna! I was so excited & nervous to have a soul reading! Then, talking to you was such a pleasant & up-lifting experience, my fears were instantly gone. You told me about myself, which on a deep subconscious level I knew to be true but have needed someone who can "see" to explain me & walk with me through the areas where I am strong & the areas that need work & to bring to light my own gifts & purpose for being on this crazy beautiful planet! It has been truly life-changing for me. Throughout, you were so positive & loving & helpful. Your gift is extraordinary & so needed in these confusing & difficult times.... I hope that those who are seeking will find you. Blessings to you!
17. I enjoyed my session SO much and I cannot tell you how much this information has helped and will help me in this life. I learned so much about myself and saw the gifts that I knew about myself, that have been screaming at me my whole life to notice! Now that I know for sure what they are, I can practice these gifts, and better yet, put them toward the biggest life fulfillment. I have been on a journey to find my purpose in life and I always knew the biggest life satisfaction for me is to help people. And now I will strive to learn self love, so that I can help all the people I can help. Thank you so much for everything.
You're such an amazing person to use your gifts to help people like me, who feel so lost and almost as if they don't have a purpose, find their gift and qualities at a soul level. It's truly a spectacular thing! I feel like the clouds have lifted and all the answers are right in front of me. All of my thoughts and feelings have been telling me something and now I know what they mean. The confidence of "being on the right path" is so exciting, and reassuring that whatever happens I know it is for a purpose and I feel I am more free to enjoy all the GOOD that life has to offer. I cannot wait to see what the future will hold.
So, Thank you again! So very much.
16. Before my Soul Reading with Aruna I was in a low point in my life. Many things had come to distract me from my path and speaking with her brought me back to my purpose. She has an excellent way of organizing the reading and giving detail where it needs to be. After our conversation, and in the days following, I feel completely refreshed, realigned, and comforted. She is truly an amazing and beautiful person and she will make you feel like the beautiful person you are too.
15. These readings are absolutely incredible! Aruna has such a gift and shares truly life changing information. Every bit of information seemed to fit me perfectly and validate things that I already knew about myself. She was even able to talk to me about potential career choices and explanations for certain medical questions, including why I often wake up tired and get many headaches during the day. The Archetype section of the reading was especially interesting as it helped me understand what activities I truly enjoy and are naturally good at. I was also very excited to talk about the different chakras and which chakras I had blocked. To many, this section of the reading is not very believable, but in my opinion it authenticated Aruna's abilities even more. By her, explaining which chakra corresponded to which type of problem and telling me which of my chakras were blocked, I was able to recall immediately why these energy centers were blocked. Then I was able to start to work through these unresolved issues and hopefully lead to a happier, less restricted life! I would recommend this reading to anyone in my life as it's amazing, powerful information shared in a calm, non-judgmental, positive way. I plan to keep notes from the reading with me often and hopefully refer to them often to stay true to my true self and not be afraid of who I truly can be.
14. I had a very positive and eye opening experience with my soul reading. A lot of what was going on in my life was perfectly explained. I got to understand more of myself and what is around me. It was worth taking the time to do it. Thank you.
13. The session I had with Aruna was amazing. The whole session was eye opening but what she revealed to me about my past lives were spot on and explained exactly why I have a deep interest in some things that are not of the main stream and I had no reason to be interested in these things except for the interest I was born into this life with. It has given me the confidence to fully pursue and develop things I've held in the back of my mind pretty much all my life. The session answered a lot of unasked questions.
12. Just wanted to thank you again for my reading. I was listening to it again, trying to transcribe the session and the biggest thing that caught my attention was how I was giggling.
It made me realize that I was excited to get validation for all the crazy things I think & the way I am.
It really helps now to know where to focus myself & improve. It also gives me clear direction in which to proceed in my life.
I know I am suppose to be helping others, but really lacked the confidence that it was really in me to do this kind of work.
Thank you again and If I can ever help you please let me know.
11. Aruna shared a great talent with me by providing me with Soul Reading, that confirmed much and encouraged much for me. I look forward to moving into the next adventure of my life based on the knowledge she has shared with me. I believe I knew I had these gifts, but now feel confident I can move forward.
10. I no longer doubt who I am after speaking with Aruna about my souls evolution. I am more comfortable with the person I have known my whole life... I understand things about myself that would have taken me years to discover or even comprehend. Aruna has connected many dots in my personality and life, as well as opened a whole world of educated questions for me to answer. I'm beyond excited and fascinated by what my future holds, and I'm more confident in pursuing my dreams. She has reconfirmed that I am a light warrior, speaker of truth, and that all you need is love. Spread the love, light, and above all positivity.
9. My Soul reading with Aruna was unlike any I have done in the past(I have done many). Her command of the subject matter is extensive, very professional, personal and compassionate. Why is Aruna's reading different? She is a highly skilled medical intuitive. She addresses all levels of our BEing: Mental/Spiritual/Physical/Emotional and how important each aspect is to achieving ones optimal potential. This reading has guided me in my purpose - especially my career options and most importantly my relationship with myself and the world around me. It has profoundly changed my life for the better. Take your life from the ordinary to the extraordinary with a reading from Aruna. Thank you for enlightening my path here on this earth - you are a blessing from God!
8. Thank you so much for our conversation on Tuesday. I learned so many things about myself and much to think about. I would say that 96% of everything you told me was accurate and directly relates to me. I am keeping the notes I took during the conversation and will review and research some of the points of interest. Thank you for referring the book on how to deal with negative energy from others.
I have told some of my friends about this and they seem interested.
Thank you again for the wonderful experience.
7. Thank you so much for taking the time to do my reading. Before receiving my reading I had previously participated in similar things and had a general idea of what to expect. The reading from Aruna exceeded all expectations and introduced new information about my souls journey through the ages, I found many of the things she told me to be completely accurate and inspiring. Aruna explained step by step everything to me, I came away from this experience exited about my life's journey and thankful I to have had this reading done.
6. I would like to thank you for the reading you did for me. I have to tell you that you really opened my eyes to things about myself that I have either forgotten or ignored, crazy as that sounds, its true...
I was most happy to hear that I have the ability to pick up and feel the emotions of others around me. That really opened my eyes to the reason why I feel the way I do some days, either happy or sad or even at all loss for no apparent reason… I seriously thought that there was something wrong with me until you explained it to me and know I am more aware when it happens and will take your advice and read the book you recommended for me, to help me try to control it. I really was pleased to know that my patience level is at 80% it makes me feel that I am moving in the right direction with that and it makes me more aware to be even more so.
I appreciate all that you told me and the accuracy with which you did it. You did an amazing job in explaining everything to me and in making me feel really good about myself again and for that there are no words.
Thank you,
S. P. O.
5. I found Aruna to have a unique combination of God-given talents and gifts. For years her ability as a medical intuitive has helped her family and friends with much success. Her studies as an Akashic Soul reader and practitioner has taken her to a level that helps people recognize how the past influences are affecting their present lives.
In my experience I have found her intuitive readings have given the much support in my present life, as well as looking into my distant past and potential future. I highly recommend her readings to anyone who wishes to look deep inside for spiritual healing and balance.
4. I want to say thank you so much for the reading you did for me. I really wasn't sure what to expect from my reading in all honesty, I didn't know what you could tell me that would make me see myself and the way I live my life in a new way, but you did. I really connected to the aspect of religion, you told me that I was part of the Quakers who don't feel pressured to go to a church to pray to God.
I totally feel that is why I never felt comfortable even as a child to have to go to a church to pray to feel close to God when I feel the closest to him in the outdoors, where you also told me that I am at my best in nature, which is probably why I have always worked in a profession that is based outdoors. Everything you told me seemed to click and make more sense to me when I let it sink in over the past week.
I can't thank you enough for opening up my eyes to pay more attention in my life and the choices I make in the future.
Many thanks and blessings to you,
3. I just wanted to get back to you about the reading you did for me. That reading helped me to understand that what I do and what I feel there is a reason. And it helps to know I'm not doing anything wrong in my life, I am just who I am.
Thank you for helping me understand that all of us have different backgrounds, different purpose in this life. I dream about babies and now I know why. We all are different and it's OK.
2. I just wanted to thank you for your time, research, and information you shared with me about me! You know more about me than I do! You are very good at what you do, and most everything you said applies to me and my life! Maybe I can use it to improve my life as well!? I will try to!
1. The experience has been an eye-opener as well as it confirmed my basic beliefs. When Aruna was telling me about my personality traits which were explained through her readings of my previous lives, I couldn't believe how correct and insightful the information was! I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. I felt very uplifted afterwards. I realized that the decisions I have made in my life and the way I deal with other people and relationships are almost set up by the Universal forces. I learned a lot about myself too and gained confidence in my own character. I highly recommend anyone to participate in this reading, it will blow your mind! I feel more confident, stronger and calmer about the future and the way I lead my life, because it has almost been confirmed to me that I am following the right path. Most importantly, I love this path I have chosen (or the Universe chose it for me) and I am blessed to have gained encouragement through Aruna's reading. This has been a life-changing experience. Thank you!
Reading My Soul Akashic Records reading , Chakra Energy reading, Psychic reading and Medical intuitive information suggested to be used for inner guidance and entertaining purpose only. It is strongly recommended to see a professional before making important decisions concerning any issue related to health, career, financial, relationship or other sensitive areas of personal life.
Opinion Disclaimer:
The views and opinions expressed on Reading My Soul website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Energy Vibrations. Any content provided by the authors are of their opinion, and are not intended to malign any religion, ethic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.
Medical Disclaimer:
Aruna is not a medical doctor nor associated with any branch of allopathic medicine. Aruna is a psychic energy reader. Energy/medical intuitive information is based on her intuition and should not be a substitute for medical procedures or treatments.
ALWAYS consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning diagnosis for any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related treatment or lifestyle change program.
As in traditional medicine, there are no guarantees with energy intuitive reading.